Welcome To Our Little Big House On The Prairie

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Moving Day

No, not really moving.  

Technically...  Removing.

Removing all the junk I've accumulated in the house during the last ten months since I've found my passion for making over furniture.

Who knew I had stockpiled so much.

And what a relief to get it out of the house where I had stashed it everywhere.

Yes,  I'm a stasher.

I admit it.

Yesterday I relocated it all out to the workshop, since we've gotten it to a point where I can actually work in it.

I did it the easy way...

Even Lucy-Kitty likes the workshop so much, she wanted to move too.

That's a lot of stuff.

Which... I neatly organized once I unloaded down at the workshop.

I love the cabinet Scott got for me for $5.00.

What great storage.

And then there's the stuff that I've accumulated for staging and for re-doing that I haven't gotten around to well...  re-doing.

Something tells me I'll never have a picture-perfect studio.  LOL

Yesterday was a busy day, because after I did all that, I reloaded the Yukon with all the stuff that we removed from the workshop that needed to go into the garage.

Then, I stashed it in there.

See...  Total stasher.

{No picture of the garage.  I don't want to scare you.}

Next, I got to working on my first custom furniture makeover:

I am sooooo jealous of this piece.  

Look at those legs.

Solid wood and heavier than heck.

And when I reached a point where I needed Scott's advice, I switched to this:

I've only had this chair since, like, October or something.

I decided to tackle my fear of upholstering and just do it already.

I'll let you know how that turns out.

Then, Scott calls and says,

"I'm at an auction.  You need to come.  Now."



"You might need therapy."

Off came the sweatpants, ratty t-shirt, paint stained sweatshirt, and Under Armor slides.  

Quick bath... 

Make-up on... 

Get dolled up... 

Drive to auction...

Buy two dressers and a sofa table. 

(I'm keeping the last one)

Lose out on a funky cool chair that Scott just didn't have any vision for and an awesome Hoosier cabinet that he was willing to buy, but I wasn't willing to risk making no profit on.  Now, had we been buying to keep, which we weren't, I would have had it one way or another.  Maybe some day.  ;)

And then oohed and cooed over a way cool old coffee jar from Marshalltown, Iowa that he bought me earlier because he really loves me.  ;)

Isn't that too cool?

I still have to google it, to figure out if the company is now defunct.  

I'm pretty sure it is, but I want to get a date on it.

I still can't believe he paid eighteen dollars for it.

He must really love me.  ;)

But, that will have to wait, because the desk is calling my name.

Scott took a look at it last night, sanded on it some more, and deemed it ready to go.

And while I'm waiting for the paint to dry between coats, I'm going to tackle the upholstering...  That I'm petrified of.  LOL

One thing I've already learned:

Wearing UA slides to work in is a bad idea.

When you're on your feet all day.

Figured out that the shooting pains from my ankles to my thighs were from not wearing supportive shoes.

Today, I'm wearing Teva sandals.  ;)

If you're looking for me, you know where I'll be:

Make it a great day, y'all.  :)


Tami Michel said...

I bet you are having so much fun!!!

P.j. said...
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P.j. said...

Great that you have a place of your own, but have to admit I'm jealous of how much space you have to work & store your stuff in! ;-) I'm glad Scott supports your venture. He obviously knows how important it is for you to be creative.

NanaDiana said...

Hey you-Laura- What HAVE you been doing with all your spare time? Sitting around and eating bon-bons, I suppose!;>)

Holy cow, girl. You got a lot going on there! Love it that you are getting closer and closer to realizing our dream. You are doing a GREAT job! xo Diana

reFresh reStyle said...

I love that you've found your passion and you've got a great space :)

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