
Monday, October 17, 2011

Versatile Blogger Award & I Was Featured!

Good Monday morning, y'all!  I am sitting here at 7:00 am eating Ben and Jerry's Cake Batter Ice Cream because 1)  I'm a Mom and I can do stuff like that and 2)  I'm celebrating!

I had a fantastic weekend, how 'bout you?  Friday, I got a rare night out with the hubs, where we grabbed a couple of hours to sit and talk while enjoying some yummy Mexican food and a lime margarita - frozen, extra salt! (for me!).  Its so nice to be able to sit back and just talk about what's been going on with each of us, without interruption.  This time of year he's super busy, as Fall is the peak season for our business and I'm usually running around like a chicken with my head cut off with the kids and all their school and sports activities.  And since we don't get that time very often during the school year, it means that much more.  Huge props to Greyson for watching his brother and sister!

I also finished a nifty little project that was much needed around our prairie home which I'll share with you tomorrow.

Here's a sneak peak...

Okay, so I had a couple of awesome things happen due to my buffet reveal.

#1)  I was contacted by Jennifer from Decorating Ideas Made Easy to be featured on her website.  WHOO-HOO!  So exciting!  Please check out her site!


  I was also featured by Erin on How To Nest For Less: Lesson Learned: My Favorite Projects {October 14th}.  Its like Christmas morning around here!  I am so flattered and unbelievably excited!  Please be sure to check her out.  Thanks, Erin!


And just this morning I was contacted by Lauren from West Furniture Revival to be featured on her Revival Monday Features.  Her stuff is fantastic, so I am super honored that she felt my buffet was worth mentioning.  Thanks, Lauren!

I can't believe how much this motivates me to get out there and do more!  Thanks y'all!  

And that's not all...

#3  I also received this:

Ms. A from Between the Rafters awarded me and 14 others this award after she was granted it herself.  She's new to blogland too and since us newbies need to stick together, why don't you go check her out?  

And here's a shout out to Ms. A:  
Thank you!  
I'm totally honored to be recognized by a fellow blogger!

Upon accepting this award I must do a few things:

1.  Thank and link back to the person that gave you this award.  (DONE!)

2.  Share seven (7) things about yourself. (Getting ready to do!)

3.  Send it along to 15 other bloggers and let them know they've been awarded.  (Oh boy!  How to choose?!) 

Seven Things About Me

This is me...

1.  My faith sustains me.  Day by day.  Every day.  God is good!

2.   I have six awesome children - all of which are biologically mine - ages ranging from 3 - 17.  That's a combined total of 44 hours of labor, y'all.  Gurrl Power!

3.  My husband is the love of my life.  We've had ups.  We've had downs.  There's been good times and bad.  There's been fancy French dinners and there's been beans for supper for a month.  But through it all, there has been love.

4.  I am a sucker for anything old, chippy, and unloved.  I feel sorry for it - I don't care if its an inanimate object - and I have to stop myself from gathering every thing up and giving it a home.  ;)

5.  I was scared to start a blog and wondered what in the world I would have to write about that anyone would actually want to read.

6.  I am one of those moms.  Any given weekend depending upon the sport and the season, you can hear me encouraging my boys (quite loudly) from the stands - or the side of a mat.  

7.  I started crafting and furniture makeovers to help with the frustration of being a SAHM, since nothing stays done for longer than a few hours before I have to do it again.  Know the feeling?  This allows me to actually complete something each week and as a bonus I've come to realize I'm not too bad at it either!  


Okay...  Now for the 2nd portion of my task: Passing this award on to 15 other great peeps.  I have a couple of personal favorites in here (because they actually follow me!  LOL!), but mostly I'm sticking to people that have less than 100 followers.  Its a huge blog world out there and we need all the help we can get.  Hopefully by sticking together, we can pick up a few more followers here and there.  I have become a follower of each of these blogs, as well as Ms. A as a thank you for her acknowledgement.  

Drum Roll Please...

1.  Tanya @ Make The Best Of What's Around A great all around person and one of my very first followers.  She's always cooking up some great ideas - recipes, crafts, and DIY goodness.  Check her out!

2.  Nicole @ Davis Domestications and Furniture Face-Lifts  Super, super person, peeps.  I've just gotten to know her over the last week and she's got a fantastic sense of humor (mostly because she gets mine!).  Check out her awesome furniture makeovers and recipes:  Cupcakes for Supper and Spaghetti for Dessert.  AWESOMENESS!

3.  Shannon @ Fox Hollow Cottage  Fantastic chick!  She's new to blogland - like since September - and she's already amassing a following on her blog and on her Facebook page like I've never seen (JEALOUS!).  She's a real go-getter and f-u-n-n-y!  Not to mention her decorating and furniture makeovers are to.  die.  for.  Go visit her!

4.  Sammie @ Simply Sammie.  Check out her cool creations on her Facebook page.  She custom designs some awesome stuff on plastic reuseable cups!  And you can order some!

5.  Jessica @ Our Beaten Path.  Super fun ideas and super cute kiddos.  Her yarn wreaths are spectacular!  Be sure to take time to stop by!

6.  Brenda @ Dragon Flys and Stars.  Love, Love, LOVE her blog.  We have a lot in common - same taste in decor AND same sense of humor.  Check out her stuff and see what she did when she had a little dog "issue" with her couch.  Too funny!

7)  Love Letter Designs is a super blog that is a spin off from her family blog where she writes love letters to her children.  How awesome is that?  Her taste is impeccable and her furniture revamps are killer.  Please take time to see what she did with her latest refurb!  Love the color of this piece!

The rest of these folks I don't really know a lot about - just that they posted some sweet stuff on this week's Lil Luna: Link Party #47 and they have under 100 followers.  Be sure to go show them some love!

8.  Brooke @ Spruce Your Nest.  She's currently taking part in blogging a topic for 31 days.  Her pick:  Financial Freedom.  What a timely piece for this current economy.  We can all live by her advice!

9.  Lesley @ Freaking Craft.  Just the name of her blog made me laugh.  When I'm really excited about something - or mad - or just for emphasis, I'm forever putting "freakin'" in front of it.  Not a good thing around kids I know, since it could possibly be mistaken for something else, but its a habit.  And she has some freakin' awesome Halloween crafts.  One thing I super like is that she tells you about the things she has learned in the course of doing her craft.  Go see her!

10)  Julianne @ Sew Fantastic.  You should go,  like right now, and see the FANTASTIC Halloween costume she made for her daughter.  WOW!  Disney Store watch out!  Her Cinderella costume totally makes yours look like the knock off!

11)  Angie @ Kokeshi Crafts does some wicked stuff with icing, and has a way cute "Eyeball" Cake.  Not only that, she can refurb some furniture too!  Even if she didn't, she'd still deserve some love as she's a military wife.  Thank you for your sacrifice, Angie!  After watching my brother's wife, I realize that military life is hardest of all on the wives they leave behind in the course of duty.  Thankfully, my husband was out of the Corps by the time we got married.  We appreciate what you do!

12)  Lorela @ Scrapidoodlelicious.  Try to say that three times fast!  She has a sweet tutorial on how to make one of those chevron pillows that are all the rage right now.  Alas, I cannot sew - and not only can I not sew, I failed that portion of Home Ec in high school.  Yeah.  My straps on my bag were all twisted.  Epic fail!  I've never touched a sewing machine ever again.  LOL!  Anyway...  Her idea is novel, as she doesn't use painter's tape to make the chevrons.  I didn't know it was possible either.  Go see how she did it.

13)  Cheryl @ That's What {Che} Said.  She's crafty and funny (I guess her play on the tag line "That's what she said" and her blog name didn't give that one away.  Duh.)  Her post about her Serious Pet Peeves had me rolling (and nodding my head).  Why don't you see if you agree?

14)  Christa @ Life With Luke.  New mom Christa, totally went all out for Luke's first birthday.  WOW!  To be a kid again!  And Luke is a real cutie too!  Almost makes me want another little one to cuddle since the little man is getting be such a big boy now...  Key word:  Almost.  ;)  Swing by for a great idea!

15)  Kimberly @ The Brown Eyes Have It.  I'd give her this award just for being a mom of 6 too, but she also has some awesome sewing abilities, of which I will be eternally jealous.  Her Halloween costumes for her family are unbelievably creative!  Take a look if you're stumped for how to dress your little ones up for Halloween!  And I think I'm going to have to steal her idea of individual laundry baskets for the kids.  Much better than my gravity-defying stacks on the counter for them to knock over in the process of putting them away.  :)

WOW!  Done!  F-i-n-a-l-l-y!  Now to e-mail all these lucky peeps and hope they don't think that I'm some weird-o that made up a blog award.  LOL!

I hope everyone has an Un-Manic Monday (unlike my morning so far, thus the late posting - a sick sweetie and one cranky monster all in one morning) and a great rest of the week.

Be sure to check back tomorrow to see how I've decided to take care of our little "sense of entitlement" problem we've been having with the kiddos lately.

Take care!


  1. First, CONGRATS on all your features! Your buffet was amazing and deserves the star treatment. I remember my first project that got a lot of feels great :) You are on your way up! Thank you sooooo much for the Blogger Award! You are just the sweetest. Though we don't know eachother in person, I feel like I have a wonderful Blog-world Friend :) Thank you for all your wonderful comments you leave. We definitely have to do a blog-swap sometime. Thanks again. Yikes, now I have to choose 15 bloggers. So many good ones out there :)

  2. Thank you so much Laura (that's my middle name by the way) for featuring my blog! Congrats on all your features!

  3. Aw, thank you so so much and congrats on all your features. I've been so busy with everything I haven't even seen this buffet that's being talked about. I also can't wait to go visit the other blogs you featured. I'm sure they're great!

  4. Congratulations!!!! That is so amazing! Thank you so much for including me and your kind words about my cups. I REALLY appreciate it and it meant the world to me.

  5. I'm right there with you on #7 of the things about you. I started my blog about a year into SAHMothering so I could have some thing tangible to accomplish--not just the baby's fed (for the moment), the laundry's done (for the moment), etc.
    By the way, congrats on the awards! That's awesome!
    from Jill Made It


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