
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Aurora Auction via Fox Hollow Cottage

Most of you who follow me, know, follow and love Shannon.

If you don't, here she is:

Yes, that would the Shannon from Fox Hollow Cottage that donated her lovely locks to Locks of Love earlier this year.

Shannon, always loving, kind, and generous 
has now started an 
that has captivated and horrified Americans across our nation.

What started as Shannon offering up this wreath for auction with the proceeds benefitting the victims, has now grown into bloggers across Facebook and the internet donating items left and right for the cause.

My contribution?

like the one that I gave away last week.

as well as a large 18" scrap fabric wreath similar to this one:

Go here:  Fox Hollow Cottage on Facebook to bid.  

There are currently two lots, with donations being added by the minute.

Please go bid to help those affected by this American tragedy.



  1. OMG I love you.... but a picture of me? GAH. you guys are lucky you saw that the first time. LOL. It's not about that though... I am thrilled that it has become this and hope to send a sizable monetary donation. Thank you for you donation!!

    Better get back to the auctions...

  2. Nice post Laura. And Shannon.... silly you, that picture is beautiful!



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